
The Quantum World

Friday, September 23, 2016

The Creator's Constant Gaze!

Read just yesterday an article by Jay Bennett written for Popular Mechanics. He wrote on the hot topic of life as a simulation and its complications in a multi-verse. He began by posing the questions, "does the universe exist as a concrete structure if there is no one to observe it?" Or, is the cosmos a fluid, infinite amount of possible realities until the moment it is measured? This is one of the subjects discussed between Danish physicist Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein. 

He comforted us by restating that when two particles interact with one another, they can become an entangled pair, sharing some of their properties with each other even as they travel a large distance away from one another. But like all quantum states, when one of the particles is observed, the wave function collapses and the entanglement is broken, affecting both particles; instantaneously, regardless of distance. Measuring one particle can therefore influence the other particle faster than the amount of time it would take for light to travel between the two.

Einstein was unquestionably right about one thing: Our theories of quantum mechanics are incomplete. Perhaps one day, someone unknown genius of the future will do for particle physics what Einstein did for astrophysics and what Newton did for classical physics. 

I could be that unknown genius but only as a human being a created being by a higher intelligence that controls the simulation.
The first problem begins with the first question above, "does the universe exist as a concrete structure is there is no one to observe it"? Well, the answer is no if we consider that the universe is something that has meaning to us as we exist not only in it but as we peer out at it from our vantage point. Can that question be answered with a simple Yes/No? And, the answer is NO! 

It cannot exist as a concrete structure unless someone observes it. So, who is observing it? Someone that created it or someone that is part of the creation. Rather both! If we were to only accept the later... that we observe it and so it is concrete it is only true in terms of agreement reality. What we as a group of 'human observers' see and agree upon.

If it is only that it is concrete because of a creator, then we know that we are also part of the creation and as part of the creation have the ability to observe not only ourselves but all of creation. And, that essentially means that we do observe the creator in ourselves. 

If we go down the blackhole that the universe is not there unless someone looks at it, then being a part of the universe, we are not there either; until someone looks at it/us. This causes a problem for atheists but not for those who recognize and accept the Creator. If the Creator looks, we are and it seems the Creator has a constant gaze. 

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together ~ Colossians 1:17.
"You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen the One who sees me" ~ Genesis 16:13.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Living in a Simulation!

We hear more and more from known physicists that we are living in a simulation. As a social quantum analyst, I saw of course we are. The problem though is that we have been creating false evidence for what we expect to be true. We expect to find aliens at the other end for one. We expect to find other beings and or other dimensions to explain this. None do.

Yet, if we agree that this is a simulation, then who created it? Which is exactly my point. Let me begin by saying that all things are held together by the creator of any program and or simulation. Even if the creator created another program to run the program. If a program was AI on the highest level to the point that it was almost human wouldn't it necessarily question its beginning. How did it come to be? Who created it? And, if given the answer, it is all likely that it could in fact reject the truth and in a vain attempt to create its own.

Not always have men been creating false evidence to support what they expect; that is if they expect to never have the full complete answer because the creator of all things seen and unseen is too large, too magnificent to behold. Yet, the creator leaves his mark, trails of information that provide an image of a very complex and beautiful design. There were many such men 'scientists' looking for such trails: Isaac Newton, Johan Kepler, Louis Pasteur and Gregor Mendel to name a few.

Gregor Mendel was a botanist, a Christian and the father of modern genetics. He observed what he later called an inherited image of the whole. The information transferred generation to generation yet in this state of entropy, condition of a fallen world, it is subjected to corruption, an image containing information that has been distorted by this condition. 

Having that in mind, can we know what the true reality is as we are seemingly doomed in a corrupt version of the simulation? Being able to answer this kind of question is what drives most scientists to conduct research and even crate false evidence for what they expect to be true.

Is there anything we can expect to be true as in actually true? We can expect that there is a creator who knows our condition and has a plan to reboot it.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Isn't Dark Matter just Matter without Light...without Meaning?

Most galaxies occupy groups or clusters with from 10 to hundreds of members. Each cluster is held together by the gravity from each galaxy. The more mass, the higher the velocities of the members, and this fact can be used to test for the presence of unseen matter.

What I as a social quantum sociologist would like to call the laws of governing dynamics between members. As a Christian sociologist, the laws put forward by God... laws that He knew we could never sustain on our own for this world is a fallen world. This universe a fallen universe ever since corrupted information was embraced. 

That is why, in my education opinion, we have problems with determining exactly what is dark matter. We can read that in physics early measurements indicated that galaxies in clusters were moving too fast for the amount of matter estimated from counting the galaxies. This high motion was also detected in other kinematic studies, such as binary galaxies, galaxy rotation and large scale motion of superclusters. This is known as the dark matter problem. While we have not identified dark matter, we can study its properties we can characterize the influence of dark matter by studying the ratio of mass to light (M/L) over various locations.

What does dark matter do? Interestingly, it forms the halos around galaxies and the intracluster space between galaxies; and, that is why it is increasingly important on large scales. There is broad class of particle physics candidates for the dark matter which are referred to as Weakly Interacting Massive Particles or WIMPs. This class includes several proposed particles (massive Dirac neutrinos, cosmions, SUSY relics) that have masses of order a few GeV to a few hundred GeV and interact through the exchange of W's, Z's, higgs bosons and other intermediaries.

Masses of order that seem to form a class of heavy particles... slightly interacting with matter. From a social quantum perspective, we can interpret masses of order as meaning that gets crystallized in the finite social imagination. This meaning then slightly interacts with other matter 'finite social imaginations' – as t it recognizes that something must exist outside of its finite ordered matter. Metaphorically, recognizing that there is an outside meaning that its not part of and yet part of. In fact, the immediate ‘in-group’ meaning is contained in and sustained by whatever is outside as well as inside. 

It is like this, we can look at other clusters of information = social realities outside of our own and see that there is something there but it is alien to our understanding our social imagination because it has a different platform of departure from ours. This suggests to us that meaning exists else where though we cannot from our vantage point comprehend it completely. There is light but a different kind. It is there we just don’t understand it from our position. This can also be applied to our understanding the Bible and the Creator who is the Creator of all things seen and unseen. From this truth, discussing dark matter can also be used to understand the universe and the Creator. The light of all matter (s) cannot not shine for us as we cannot grasp all light in the meaning of all information in the galaxy...in the universe; and because it is in a state of decay, corrupted, the dark matter will remain dark to us until the Light of the Creator is poured out and a new universe created with incorruptible meaning

~ Sources: