
The Quantum World

Friday, February 27, 2015

Christian Sociologist's View of the Many Worlds Theory

We are about to take a mini- journey into the multi-dimensionality or multiverse of social reality. So, buckle your seats belts because this one is going to blow your mind! At first glance this may seem too daunting and too hard to grasp because it is indeed hard for three dimensional beings like us to even imagine interacting parallels let alone the higher of higher dimensions  - just as it was hard for the flatlander to imagine three dimensions or just this 'verse/world'.

A new theory of quantum mechanics was developed by Bill Poirier, a chemical physicist at Texas Tech University. The theory discusses parallel worlds' existence and the quantum effects observed in nature. According to Poirier's theory, quantum reality is not wave-like at all, but is composed of multiple, classical-like worlds. In each of these worlds, every object has very definite physical attributes, such as position and momentum. Within a given world, objects interact with each other classically. All quantum effects, on the other hand, manifest as interactions between "nearby" parallel worlds.

The idea of many worlds is not new. In 1957, Hugh Everett III published what is now called the "Many Worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics. "But in Everett's theory, the worlds are not well defined," according to Poirier, "because the underlying mathematics is that of the standard wave-based quantum theory."

In contrast, in Poirier's "Many Interacting Worlds" theory, the worlds are built into the mathematics right from the start.  Poirier first arrived at the idea unexpectedly, in the pursuit of a much more practical goal. He said that he was trying to develop an efficient computational method using something called quantum trajectories, when it suddenly dawned on him that you could get everything from the trajectories (i.e. the worlds) themselves, without actually needing any wave.

Poirier is using his social imagination. He is able to visualize this theory because of years of social interaction with colleagues who have similar interests - quantum. In fact, what he does, what I do is possible because of many interacting worlds. However, personally, I think Poirier is making a quantum leap mistake when he suggests his idea of many interacting worlds is somehow new or different from a multiverse. As I said, he is only able to imagine it because of his social interactions. And, I say this because of his conclusion that the interacting many worlds have been programmed from the get go ‘built into the math from the start.’ If that is the case, then what Poirier is really talking about is the well connected logically laid out multiverse. 

Essentially, that for me suggests a creator. As a Christian sociologist, I can and do claim that the multiverse is ultimately a soup of many interacting worlds which exist as probabilities in God’s omnipotent nature; all occurring simultaneously based on all the living beings that can make a choice.  From a Christian viewpoint, the multiverse is an explanation for how God's omnipotence does not contradict our free will. 

A multiverse or many worlds interacting having a Creator would be mathematically outlined from the beginning (as Poirier pointed) and would in fact use probability to create the most optimal outcome for the universe and everything in it. The question that most people ask about now is what about all the bad ‘evil’ things that happen. Question ~ Is that what a Creator would think of as part of the multiverse and can be used toward an optimal outcome? Well, that is a good question. Evil or corruption is able to be utilized to create the most optimal conditions while at the same time allowing bad choices to exist but for a limited amount of time until finally eliminated all together. How does the problem of evil fit with the multiverse? Evil is simply corruption by another name. 

As long as you have beings that have the ability to make decisions on their own, corruption is always present. Multiverse is a means by which God's omnipotence does not conflict with created beings free will. It allows the Creator to guide the universe toward the most optimal to guide the multiverse which is the infinite probability toward the most optimal conclusion.

For example, if you wanted the perfect outcome of any event or even a relationship given free will you could not control the choice of the other individual. But you would have the ability to select the best outcome to guide them toward that end. Because, as omnipresent Creator, you know what the best end is. This way you would be able to arrive at the conclusion and relationship which is best for both parities without taking away or diminishing the choices of either party.

That is my take on the many worlds. 

Photo used and Poirer's work summarized here was outsourced from  ~ www.sciencedaily.com with credit going to Credit: © Giuseppe Porzani / Fotolia 

Story material came from Texas Tech University and other Journal Sources

  1. Michael J. W. Hall, Dirk-AndrĂ© Deckert, Howard M. Wiseman. Quantum Phenomena Modeled by Interactions between Many Classical Worlds. Physical Review X, 2014; 4 (4) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.4.041013
  2. Jeremy Schiff, Bill Poirier. Communication: Quantum mechanics without wavefunctions. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012; 136 (3): 031102 DOI: 10.1063/1.3680558
  3. Bill Poirier. Bohmian mechanics without pilot waves. Chemical Physics, 2010; 370 (1-3): 4 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2009.12.024

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