
The Quantum World

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Information Reality ~ Is Our Reality outside of a Higher Dimension?

Sociologists like myself have for some time considered social reality to be nothing more than the experience of information reality. Charles H. Cooley many many years ago viewed social reality as that which takes place in the mind ~ the locus of reality. Essentially, a dialogue of personal ideas among us....which means that we can only imagine who we are based on the feedback we bounce off each other. May we say the same about others including those from or in other dimensions or in outer space? Is that what CERN is trying to determine and or HARP? The interesting thing is that scientists ('educated' men by other 'educated' men - and whose education is it anyway???) don't consider that what we think is 'alien' is just another aspect of our information reality as being a lower dimension outside of a higher dimension. 

Perhaps, they have realized this and thus seek to discover the source of that information (higher dimension) which is likely the case.  In my opinion, science ignores this essential aspect of reality which is the only reality we know. Many would and do question if this is actually the case. Which is good but again they fail to understand that everything we accept as real is just what we choose to recognize in the flow of information.

What is CERN doing? Aren't they investigating the flow of information to find out where it comes from? Of course, they seek to know the source of information. They try to realize it as code, as numbers and as equations tied to what they think is observable such as observed particle behavior. Here is the dilemma... 'observed behavior'. Now, we are back to square one again as what we observe is information observed by man. They may run experiments through a computer and say that man had nothing to do with the observation. But, he 'man' did. He programmed the computer, he 'man' alone analyzes the outcome.

Will we come to a point where advanced computers will observe better than we do? If that could be the case, then we would not understand their findings as we are not computers? Right? If we say that we could understand computer's observations, then essentially computers and their observations are another aspect of the same information reality which we are part of and from which our observations are based.

Based on that we would understand them; yet, in that case, we are essentially saying that they do not think or 'compute' differently than the information reality of which we are a part of as it is the information we give them. However, if we were to say that since they are faster in their computations they will arrive at different information and act on that. To agree with that, then we must agree we could not know or understand what they observe since we do not compute with the same speed. We would be thus outside their information reality.

Essentially, we could never know what they 'computer's observe. If you say we can, then computers do not have different information nor different observations. We imagine that they do and that we can understand. If you say they do based on speed of receiving information, and processing it then yes they could make other kinds of observations having greater access to information at the same time. In saying that, we would be out of the circle of knowing of that information reality since we do not compute that fast. We would have to compute as fast as they can and thus could know information in the way they know it. Otherwise, we would be outside of it. Even AI entities, would come to be above us unless they compute information at the same rate we do. Can we ever escape our own information reality? I think not... as long as we are in this lower dimension with its limited speed of information.

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